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NetworkEvents is Android library listening network connection state and change of the Wi-Fi signal strength.

It is able to detect ConnectivityStatus when it changes:


In addition it is able to detect situation when strength of the Wi-Fi signal was changed with WifiSignalStrengthChanged event.

Jan 17, 2015

This project is inspired by the Live Video Reactions on Facebook. I have used RxJava2 for handling the stream of reactions (like, love, haha, wow, sad, angry). I have put one extra condition that the time duration between two reactions should be atleast 300 ms.. This is achieved very easily by RxJava by using Flowable. Also, I have used Canvas to draw bitmaps over it and perform animations on top of it.

Feb 25, 2017

A multi-purpose Groovy library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations. It's based on both ButterKnife and AndroidAnnotations.

Aug 23, 2014