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Konveyor is a library for generation Data classes with random values

Sep 17, 2018

Random Beans is a library that generates random Java beans.

Dec 18, 2016

This is mainly core java project. It solves the problem of valid and meaningful random data generation in code flow itself (rather than parsing some random data file and loading data into some list).

It can use existing class models and generate wide range of preexisting random data to test data intensive application in absence of APIs.

Oct 17, 2016

Simple random data generator for Android.

Jun 11, 2016

Rog is an object generator designed for android test. It can create objects and set random values to their fields.

Apr 16, 2016

Library to automatically populate models, to be used in automatic tests or user made tests.

When performing automatic test we need to create models constantly. Moreover when using hand made test, we may need to populate an application with fake data. Fritter Factory has been developed to solve this problems.

Jan 29, 2016

Generates fake data for testing or populating a development database. Run your tests with realistic data like names, emails, dates, countries.

Dec 14, 2015

A Library with fluent API for generating random user data. Like Lorem Ipsum, but for people.

Nov 11, 2015

Faker provides fake data to your Android apps. Now it's very handy to make screenshots of your apps without worrying with Google Play copyright infringments. Faker helps you to populate your views with random data quickly and painlessly.

Jun 24, 2015