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With this plugin, you can define source folders for SVGs and they will automatically be rasterized/included in your build without messing with your source code.

Mar 11, 2015

Thin DownloadManager is an android library primary to download files and to avoid using DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION permission when using Android provided DownloadManager in your application.

Aug 26, 2015

The Universal Event Bus is an event dispatcher architecture which help you to use most common event bus implementation as Otto in a structured mode.

An events is a bus designed to separate different parts of the application, while still allowing them to communicate efficiently. The operation of the EventDispatcher is based on the publish-subscribe pattern: the bus asked a series of events that will be collected by those who joined them.

The publisher is, in this case, called Bus or RxBus and deals with post events using the Observable of RxJava. The event dispatcher contains two RxBuses: one dedicated to the UI thread, and the other for all the other events that have nothing to do with the UI (network calls, CRUD operations with the database etc.).

Feb 23, 2017