Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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A Fast and Super Easy IPC library. Send data between processes or apps using Bundle.

Aug 14, 2020

Publish-Subscribe (a.k.a Pub/Sub, EventBus) library for Android and JVM built with Coroutines.

May 14, 2020

A super lazy and fluent Kotlin expression for initializing lifecycle-aware property.

Jan 19, 2020

A library based on Kotlin Coroutines Channel for providing an Events. Simply in usages, and high performance. Similar EventBus, but better for Kotlin way projects.

Jul 29, 2019

Simplifies sharing fields and communication between Android components with custom scopes that are lifecycle aware.

Jul 24, 2019

Imagine event bus that does not require subscribe/unsubscribe, does not use reflection, does not use singletons. Just delivers messages when you need it.

Jun 6, 2019

A simple EventBus to handle activity result-like behaviors.

May 16, 2019

LiveBus is an event bus for Android which uses LiveData component of the android architecture library to easily manage the lifecycles.

Jan 26, 2019

API 14+ LifecycleEvents library is an event bus implementation that works with the complexity O(1). It uses Lifecycle from android architecture components and Kotlin language features.

Main Characteristics
With Android Lifecycle.
Pending Events Handling.
Threads Handling.
Thread safe.
Easy to use with Java and Kotlin
Aug 17, 2018

This is light-weight event bus dispatcher based on KOTLIN programming language.

Jul 21, 2018

EventListener is small library and is used for communication between classes like broadcast signals No Need to maintain listener reference. It auto work with app lifecycle.

May 15, 2018

A simple thread safe and tested event bus for JVM (1.7+) and Android apps built with RxJava 2.

Mar 14, 2018

EventBus is

  • Convenient and easy to use:
    • No need to create event classes
    • Opportunity to execute subscriber on background thread
  • Fast
  • Tiny
  • Well-tested
Jan 18, 2018

Super lightweight (14 LOC) and minimalistic (post(), subscribe(), unsubscribe()) EventBus written with idiomatic Kotlin and RxJava 2.

Dec 21, 2017

NYBus - A pub-sub library for Android and Java applications.

Sep 25, 2017

Library for Event bus - implemented using RxJava2 in Android.

Sep 16, 2017

A Reactive Bus library.

Sep 16, 2017

A simple event bus.

Jul 19, 2017

Simple Local Broadcast(s) on top of android LocalBroadcastManager.

Jun 3, 2017

Android reactive event bus that simplifies communication between Presenters, Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.

May 10, 2017

Faster than Intents and easier than AIDLs. IPC EventBus is an Android library for sending events between processes or different apps.

May 7, 2017

This library helps android developers to implement something like iOS key value observer pattern (KVO).

May 2, 2017

RxJava2 EventBus that supports pausing and resuming. This way, you can achieve that the bus is queueing events while it is paused and emitting events while it is resumed which is a nice way to enforce that events are only observed, when for example your activity is resumed and your views are accessible.

Feb 25, 2017

The Universal Event Bus is an event dispatcher architecture which help you to use most common event bus implementation as Otto in a structured mode.

An events is a bus designed to separate different parts of the application, while still allowing them to communicate efficiently. The operation of the EventDispatcher is based on the publish-subscribe pattern: the bus asked a series of events that will be collected by those who joined them.

The publisher is, in this case, called Bus or RxBus and deals with post events using the Observable of RxJava. The event dispatcher contains two RxBuses: one dedicated to the UI thread, and the other for all the other events that have nothing to do with the UI (network calls, CRUD operations with the database etc.).

Feb 23, 2017

This is an event bus based on RxJava and optimized for Android.

Feb 14, 2017

Simpler to use and faster alternative to LocalBroadcastManager.

Nov 6, 2016

itstimetoact - it's an android library, inspired by 'once', that can help you with planning events in your awesome application.

Aug 17, 2016

HermesEventBus is a library for using EventBus between processes, useful in IPC or plugin-in development. It has the same APIs as EventBus and easy to use.

Jul 13, 2016

This is a simple Rx Event Bus implementation using Kotlin.

Jun 7, 2016

Simple event creation.

May 30, 2016