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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

An easy to use wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities. It provides different themes to start with, and allows you to easily manage common scenarios like success, warning, error, info.

May 27, 2017

This library allows the implementation of questions that make use of checkboxes. The combination of a question and checkboxes allows for a customizable and elegant-looking UI.

Jan 18, 2022

An Android library to simplify reading and writing to SharedPreferences, never write code like this anymore prefs.edit().putString("someKey","someString").apply()

Why Bulldog?

  • Avoid boilerplate, error prone code, improve productivity.
  • Write less code, avoid bugs.
  • Easily organize your preferences.
Oct 25, 2018