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Android Gradle plugin generates App Shortcuts shortcuts.xml for build flavors with different applicationId.

When it useful?

If you look at the official documentation of static App Shortcuts, you'll see that for each intent you need to set the android:targetPackage. But, what if you have different applicationId in different flavors?

In this case, you'll need copy your shortcuts.xml in two folder dev and prod with single difference. And if you create a new flavor with different applicationId you need to copy it again. Since at this moment we do not have any built-in merge tools applicationId from build.gradle to the shortcuts.xml this gradle plugin will be useful.

Oct 26, 2017

A single adapter implementation for any scrolling view or ViewGroup.

This library consolidates the differences between BaseAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter, PagerAdapter, and binding to ViewGroup into one unified API.

May 15, 2015

Goal is to have something as similar to GPUImage as possible. Vertex and fragment shaders are exactly the same. That way it makes it easier to port filters from GPUImage iOS to Android.

Jul 17, 2014