An offline first application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture, representing a minimalistic implementation of Top Stories API. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation-Compose, Coil-Accompanist, koin etc.
A minimal notes application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation-Compose, Coil, koin etc.
A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi-module-architecture in a Jetpack Compose.
Demo Application to understand the architecture of MVVM App with Unit tests.
Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api.
A demo project based on Kotlin, MVVM architecture, coroutines, dagger, koin, and material designs & animations.
A showcase for unidirectional data flow on Android, powered by Kotlin Coroutines.
A demo project for the health care todo list based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
A basic sample android application to understand MVP in a very simple way. Just clone, build, run and understand MVP.
A basic sample android application to understand MVVM in a very simple way.
Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) is a template of a client application architecture, proposed by John Gossman as an alternative to MVC and MVP patterns when using Data Binding technology. Its concept is to separate data presentation logic from business logic by moving it into particular class for a clear distinction. You can also check MVP
A demo project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture and material design & animations.
A simple implementation of android app based Android new architecture components (ViewModel, LiveDate, RoomDAO) with Dagger2 & Retrofit2. Written in Kotlin.
Examples of memory leaks and common patterns that cause them in Android development and how to fix/avoid them.
This is simple example of pure MVVM (Model VIew View-Model) android architecture example using Data Binding, ViewModel and many more features.
A sample Android application, written in Kotlin, to demonstrate how to build screens as fully independent modules.
Use cases:
This is an Android Clean Architecture base project using 100% Kotlin including Unit tests!
You could use it as the base project when you create a new Android project. This architecture optimized the Clean Architecture and MVP for the Android Kotlin project. When using this architecture, you could isolate the UI, business logic and data sources, and also making the unit test easier.
Clean MVP Architecture with RxJava + Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Mockito + Fresco + EasiestGenericRecyclerAdapter using Kotlin. Includes Unit Tests(Kotlin Tests)!
Main purpose of this repo is dealing unit testing problems and find easy ways to handle them.
Examples of application architecture implements in Android. Contains MVC, MVVM, Redux.
An Android project with MVP pattern which adapts with new Android architecture components introduced in Google IO 2017. It provides lifecycle-aware Presenter with support of LifeCycle and local data source handled by Room (an abstraction layer over SQLite).
This demo project uses StackExchange API as a remote data source. Also, it covers basic and general tasks which most Android apps deal with.
A demo project based on MVVM clean architecture and material design & animations.
This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, FastAndroidNetworking and PlaceholderView.
Clean Arch is a derivative of a model-view-presenter (MVP) architectural pattern. This paradigm is made in maximizing maintenable code. So, the essentials are already bundled in one package. Its pattern is greeting like MVP, but I try refactor to apply clean code principle. For the lifecycle, I try to make a little different (not as a whole), both Activity and Fragment.
A showcase of Flux architecture patterns for Android apps.
A sample project based on the new Android Component Architecture.
Lifecycle, LiveData, MVVM, ViewModels, DataBinding, Dagger
This project is the evolution of our way to understand code quality based on Clean Architecture.
In this repo you'll find an example app to show our way to architect android projects.
Clean Architecture with Advanced Rx + Dagger 2.12 + Architecture Components.
This repo contains a simple list of products and send a simple transaction with apiary.
Android app to demonstrate MVP Android Architecture using Dagger and SOLID principles.
Starter boilerplate projects for Android, with Components Architecture implemented, written completely in Kotlin. Variations include Rx, Realm & Dagger usage.