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Plugins are single-purpose libraries built on top of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android that you can include in your apps like any other Android dependency. You'll find documentation for each plugin on our Android documentation website. A full list of the current plugins is available below.

Why Plugins

Splitting specific functionality into plugins makes our Maps SDK lighter and nimble for you to use, and it also lets us iterate faster. We can release plugins more often than the SDK, which requires a slower pace due to its larger codebase.

Sep 24, 2018

The Mapbox Maps SDK for Android is an open source toolset for displaying maps inside of your Android application.

Features include:

  • Annotations
  • 3D extrusions
  • Offline support
  • Runtime styling
  • Live traffic, routing, and navigation
  • POI search
Sep 7, 2018

Nutiteq SDK is a replacement for Google Maps API (MapView) for Android, so it has all your usual mapping SDK features (map panning, vector/raster overlays etc) plus some extras.

Jul 5, 2014