An easily implementable, clean, minimal Lockscreen module for Android Apps. Design inspired by Diary
A lock screen library for Android applications. Library support pin code and fingerprint authorization for API level 23+.
Awesome pattern lock view for android written in kotlin.
An easy-to-use, customizable, Material Design complaint Pattern Lock view for Android.
Small solution that gives you the easy way to implement customized slide-to-unlock view into your app. SlideLayout
provides additional methods and classes for changing component's behavior and appearance: various orientations, transitions, directions etc.
A clean, minimalistic, easy-to-use and highly customizable pin lock custom view for Android.
A widget that can be used to confirm the user's action, unlocking the screen etc. by providing the desired pattern with specified configuration. Widget can be animated in and out.
A simple library for locking and unlocking Activities (e.g. child lock) with a PIN code.
An Android library which can be used for implementing PIN lock mechanism in Android applications.
A View which looks like a Lollipop Pattern View.
An Android grid lock screen view with a callback interface. It is very simple to use.
Simple Android application lock.