Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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SQLDelight generates Java models from your SQL CREATE TABLE statements. These models give you a typesafe API to read & write the rows of your tables. It helps you to keep your SQL statements together, organized, and easy to access from Java.

Feb 17, 2016

A gradle plugin that helps developer migrate to code with Android Studio + Gradle, but build && install with buck.

Oct 4, 2015

Gradle Retrolambda Plugin

This plugin will automatically build your java or android project with retrolambda, giving you lambda goodness on java 6 or 7. The minimum android gradle plugin is 0.8+.

Aug 26, 2014

Gradle plugin for creating fat/uber JARs with support for package relocation.

Aug 9, 2016

A Gradle plugin to report the number of method references in your APK on every build.

Jun 5, 2015

screenshot-tests-for-android allows to generate fast deterministic screenshots while running instrumentation tests in android.

Dec 18, 2016

Releasing versions in Gradle is very different from releasing in Maven. Maven came with maven-release-plugin which did all the dirty work. Gradle has no such tool and probably doesn't need it anyway. Evolution of software craft came to the point, when we start thinking about SCM as ultimate source of truth about project version. Version should not be hardcoded in pom.xml or build.gradle.

Jan 25, 2017

This plugin provides a task to generate a HTML license report based on the configuration. (eg. licenseDebugReport for all debug dependencies in an Android project).

Applying this to an Android or Java project will generate a the license file (open_source_licenses.html) in the <project>/build/reports/licenses/.

Mar 6, 2017

A plugin to generate the Android version code and version name automatically.

Jan 19, 2015

This plugin adds support for writing Android applications using the Groovy language.

Plugin has been successfully tested with Android Studio. It is recommended, for performance, memory and battery life, that you use @CompileStatic wherever possible.

Aug 28, 2014

In the spirit of the Maven Versions Plugin, Gradle Versions Plugin provides a task to determine which dependencies have updates.

Jan 26, 2015

The AARLinkSources Plugin is designed to attach sources for .aar dependencies in AndroidStudio.

Jan 1, 2015

Generates Retrofit interfaces and related models from Google Cloud Endpoint (GCE) discovery files.

Feb 3, 2015

Robojava is a Gradle plugin that allows simple integration of Robolectric into Android Studio. This plugin works by creating a stub java project. This allows extending it with powerful plugins that are compatible with gradle java projects, but not with gradle android projects, like Gradle Cobertura Plugin for example.

Dec 25, 2014

A Gradle plugin that adds Fork test tasks for Android instrumentation tests.

Nov 25, 2014

A Gradle plugin witch automatically packs texture for a libgdx game, using libgdx texture packer. Before packing, the plugin can do some actions on the resources provided, such as:

  • Resize images for variants
  • Generate 1 pixel 9-patches automatically
  • Convert SVG to PNG images
Jan 21, 2015

A Gradle plugin that helps keep your module graph healthy and lean.

This plugin allows you to define rules on your dependency graph. If any new dependency violates these rules, the build will fail and notify the one who tries to add undesired dependency.

Mar 22, 2020

This plugin generates Android string resource XML files from CSV file. Generation has to be invoked as additional gradle task.

Supported features:

  • non-translatable resources - translatable="false" XML attribute
  • auto-escaping double quotes, apostrophes and newlines
  • auto-quoting leading and trailing spaces
  • syntax validation - duplicated, empty, invalid names detection
  • comments
Sep 2, 2014

Gradle plugin for Android which lets you use Java generics in your XML layouts.

Nov 20, 2014

This is a Gradle plugin that will resolve placeholders in your XML strings at build time. There's no need to write any Java or Kotlin code in order to use it, just place your placeholders in string templates and build your project.

Nov 30, 2019

Easy way to add build number to your application version.

Also you can add extra data to the file name.

Nov 16, 2014

This is a ribbonizer as a Gradle plugin for Android, which adds a ribbon to launcher icons.

Aug 9, 2015

Secondary DEX file generation using Gradle.

Aug 12, 2014

Freeline is a fast build and deployment tool for Android. Caching reusable class files and resource indices, it enables incrementally building Android apps, and optionally deploying the update to your device with hot swap.

Aug 25, 2016

When you apply the plugin and install an app all debug version icons will have flavor, build type and version name.

Nov 14, 2014

Gradle plugin for publishing Android artifacts to Google Play.

Jul 22, 2018

With this plugin, you can define source folders for SVGs and they will automatically be rasterized/included in your build without messing with your source code.

Mar 11, 2015

Helper to upload Gradle Android Artifacts to Maven repositories.

Dec 11, 2014

Lint Cleaner Plugin removes unused resources reported by Android lint including strings, colors and dimensions.

Aug 29, 2014

Manual ProGuard configuration is not a pleasant task. It requires a lot of time, patience and strong Google-fu to search dark corners of Internet for magic incantations that make ProGuard happy and don't screw up your build. A bottle of alcoholic beverage also comes in handy.

We just want to say "ProGuard this for me, please". And that's what this plugin strives to do.

Sep 25, 2014