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ButterKnife is a view "injection" library for Android which uses annotation processing to generate boilerplate code for you.

Jul 5, 2014

A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.

This project represents Google's fork of Square's Dagger. Google's Dagger fork is intended to vary from Square's project only where features are needed to deviate from Square's feature-set. Google's Dagger should be a drop-in compatible alternative to Square's Dagger, and many features in this fork will, if successful, be merged into the upstream project.

Efforts are made to also keep Google's fork as close in structure to Square's as possible, to facilitate merging and compatibility. Google/dagger will release shortly after Square's releases.

Aug 26, 2014

AndroidAnnotations is an Open Source framework that speeds up Android development. It takes care of the plumbing, and lets you concentrate on what's really important. By simplifying your code, it facilitates its maintenance.

Jul 5, 2014

A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.

Jul 5, 2014

Using Java Annotations and Reflection, this library will allow you to replace some of annoying boilerplate setup from your Activities, Fragments, and Views with an annotation based approach.

Jan 28, 2015

The fastest view-injection Android library that populates View Holders. Using annotation processing, this library generates findViewById(), saves code by connecting view-related methods to your views without need to findViewById and then setOnClickListener, and some other smart features that make it amazingly easy to use.

Dec 22, 2014

Simple View injection framework to be used as a tool for learning compile-time Annotation Processing.

Sep 24, 2014

A lightweight dependency injection framework for Android.

Inspired by MiniGuice and RoboGuice.

Jan 11, 2015

Toothpick is a scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java.

It is a full-featured, runtime based, but reflection free, implementation of JSR 330.

May 30, 2016

Android library that generates app shortcuts for activities and methods annotated with @Shortcut. No need to touch the manifest, create XML files or use the shortcut manager. Just annotate the code that you want the shortcut to call.

Feb 16, 2017

Layout inflation library for Android which uses annotation processing to write the code you don't want to write and simplify your compound views.

Use the annotation @AfterInflate on your compound view's methods you want to run straight after the layout is inflated with Michelangelo.

Jan 3, 2015

Lightweight, minimalistic dependency injection library for Android & Kotlin.

Dec 11, 2018

DecleX is an open source framework that aims to get closer to a fully Declarative Language for Android Development. It facilitates the writing and the maintenance of applications, reducing the amount of code that should be written. It uses a clean Pseudo Java Code and Java Annotations, getting rid of the verbosity of the Java Language itself.

Apr 2, 2017

Transfuse is a Java Dependency Injection (DI) and integration library geared specifically for the Google Android API.

Jul 5, 2014

Extra "injection" library for Android which uses annotation processing to generate code that does direct field assignment of your extras.

Dart is inspired by ButterKnife.

Jan 28, 2015

Android Annotation Library for Widgets Design. @ItemWidget, @TabHostWidget, @ViewPagerWidget, @SpinnerSelected, @GroupButtonSeleted, @OnFocus, @RegularExpression.

Sep 13, 2018

Spork is an annotation processing library to speed up development on your projects. It allows you to write less boilerplate code to make your code more readable and maintainable.

Mar 17, 2016

Tiger - the fastest java dependency injection framework.

Aug 26, 2016

RoboGuice smoothes out some of the wrinkles in your Android development experience and makes things simple and fun. It's a Google Guice on Android.

Jul 5, 2014

An integration Module for injecting Google Architecture Components' ViewModel into Dagger2-injected Android activities and fragments.

Sep 18, 2017

Feather is an ultra-lightweight dependency injection (JSR-330) library for Java and Android. It's main goal is to deliver easy-to-use basic dependency injection functionality with high performance and - taken to the extreme - small footprint.

Sep 28, 2015

Light version of ButterKnife's concepts.

Sep 29, 2016

Tiny lifecycle aware dependency provider for Android. It's inspired in the ViewModelProviders from Android Architecture Components and it relies on Service Tree to retain instances organized according to the structure and active components of your application. It aims to manage object creation in a smart way.

Feb 11, 2018

Inject automatically your Activities & Fragments, just with a simple annotation.

May 23, 2017

Intent and Bundle "injection" library for Android which uses annotation processing to generate boilerplate code for you. This library is based on ButterKnife and Dagger.

Jun 24, 2015

A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. Kinject has been thought to get the following objectives:

  • Ease to configure.
  • Clean way to satisfy dependencies.
  • High performance without lose flexibility.
  • Integration little intrusive and easily abstractable.
  • Dependencies graph validation in compilation time.
  • Based on code generation.
  • Proguard friendly.
Jul 17, 2016

Common scopes, qualifiers, modules and few utilities for Dagger 2.

Nov 19, 2016

A lightweight view and resource injection library for android

Mar 10, 2016

Tiny and nice injections syntax sugar for Android. If you're using heavy injection frameworks just to inject views and resources try this.

Jan 8, 2016