Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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An android library to highlights different features of the app built using Jetpack Compose.

Feb 7, 2022

This repository contains a detailed sample app for displaying stories. This is not a library, just sample implementation. The main aim of this app is to be an example of how to build a Story Viewer like Instagram.

Jan 17, 2021

Now Discontinued & Archived [02 June 2022]

Beautiful and highly customisable material-design based android library to help your users get started with your awesome app!

Mar 17, 2020

This library focus on giving tour about your application and its features. You can highlight the where to tap to enable or disable the feature. Show the first time user, how to use the feature by showcasing the feature step by step.

May 28, 2019

ShowcaseView is a simple-use library for Android to display new feature or whatever to the users.

The main advantage of ShowcaseView library is that you don't need to manage or follow view visibility in your codes. Because, when you call the ShowcaseManager to display showcase, ShowcaseManager will start new Activity and in this way, you have not to write extra code to dismiss showcase.

Jan 8, 2019

BubbleShowCase is an elegant and simple framework developed in Kotlin (usable also in Java) that let you to use informative bubbles to help your users pointing out different features of your application or in your App onboarding. The basic use of the framework consists on a target element passed as input which will be highlighted over a translucent background and pointed out by a customizable bubble.

Sep 15, 2018

The library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with a attractive and flat overlay.

Jan 22, 2018

Fancy Walkthrough is a simple and lightweight library that helps you to create cool and beautiful introduction screens for your apps without writing dozens of lines of code.

Jan 15, 2018

Android Onboarder is a simple and lightweight library that helps you to create cool and beautiful introduction screens for your apps without writing dozens of lines of code.

Dec 25, 2017

Ready to use tutorial screen.

Sep 25, 2017

Show case card view.

Jun 24, 2017

A simple and easy way to create Intro/Welcome screen for your android application.

Apr 10, 2017

An easy-to-use customisable show case view with circular reveal animation.

Mar 17, 2017

This is an Android project. You, as a mobile developer, can use this library to show a material about screen in your apps. It was build to make your life easier when introducing you to your users, and also, to create a about screen pattern for material android apps. It's really simple and dynamic, check it out.

Feb 13, 2017

A simple way to show the user interface tutorials.

Jan 15, 2017

Vertical intro allows you to integrate material vertical intro to your app

Oct 30, 2016

Material intro screen is inspired by Material Intro and developed with love from scratch.

Sep 20, 2016

Onboarding library for android with Gradient, Image or Solid color backgrounds.

Sep 19, 2016

An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.

Sep 15, 2016

An example project which imitates Liulishuo guide view.

Aug 26, 2016

A simple and Elegant Showcase view for Android.

Aug 20, 2016

A Tap Target implementation in Android based on Material Design Onboarding guidelines.

Aug 19, 2016

A beautiful way to introduce users to you app.

Aug 8, 2016

Spotlight is a android library to onboard user by showcasing specific features in the app.

Jun 16, 2016

Android library that provides a simple way of make user discovering your apps when he first opens it.

Jun 14, 2016

PaperOnboarding is a material design slider.

May 14, 2016

A simple library to build a simple walkthrough activity.

May 13, 2016

Android Onboarder is a lightweight library that helps you to create a simple and beautiful welcome screen (as known as App Intro, Onboarding Experience and etc.) for your users.

Apr 6, 2016

This is a simple library to quickly create Onboarding inside your app.

Mar 24, 2016

Easy to create cool walkthrough page.

Mar 23, 2016