Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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An extension for Google's AutoValue that generates a createFromCursor(Cursor c) method for AutoValue annotated objects.

Aug 25, 2015

Small example of AutoValue/AutoParcel + Jackson.

Aug 20, 2015

An extension for Google's AutoValue that creates a simple Gson TypeAdapterFactory for each AutoValue annotated object.

Aug 15, 2015

An extension for Google's AutoValue that supports Android's Parcelable interface.

Aug 15, 2015

An extension for Google's AutoValue that creates a simple Moshi JsonAdapterFactory for each AutoValue annotated object.

Aug 15, 2015

A collection of source code generators for Java.


  • AutoFactory - JSR-330-compatible factories
  • AutoService - Provider-configuration files for ServiceLoader
  • AutoValue - Immutable value-type code generation for Java 1.6+.
  • Common - Helper utilities for writing annotation processors.
Aug 14, 2015

An extension for Google's AutoValue that omits @Redacted field values from toString().

Aug 14, 2015

KVS Schema is a code generation library to manage key-value data for Android.

Aug 13, 2015

A Java code generator for the builder pattern using annotation processing.

Aug 9, 2015

Metajava is a collection of utilities that make writing annotation processors and code generation easier.

Aug 6, 2015

Postman is a java library that uses code generation to handle the details of implementing the Parcelable interface on Android.

Aug 6, 2015

Akatsuki is an Android library that handles state restoration via annotations. The library automatically generates source files through JSR269 to ensure almost zero performance impact.

Aug 3, 2015

This is probably one of the simplest Java annotation processing libraries out there.

It generates no-op implementations of your interfaces.

Jul 20, 2015

AutoValue for ParseObject.

Jul 18, 2015

AutoValue + Json Mapper.

Jul 18, 2015

Convert Cursor to model by annotations.

Jul 15, 2015

Annotation processor to create immutable objects and builders. Feels like Guava's immutable collections but for regular value objects. JSON, Jackson, Gson, JAX-RS, MongoDB integrations included.

Jul 13, 2015

Processor workflow is a library that facilitates the development of an annotation processor in Java. It offers an efficient workflow to handle the steps of parsing annotations, extracting useful data, and then generating some java code.

Jul 9, 2015

Mortar / Flow / Dagger 2 requires to write a lot of boilerplate code. Auto Mortar is an annotation processor that focuses on eliminating the maximum of that boilerplate. No magic tricks here, just some straightforward and human readable code generated for you.

Jul 5, 2015

Auto Dagger2 is an annotation processor built on top of the Dagger2 annotation processor. It basically generates the component for you.

The goal is to reduce the boilerplate code required by Dagger2 when you have "empty" or simple components. It is usually the case in Android development.

You can also mix manually written components with the ones generated by Auto Dagger2. Auto Dagger2 produces the human-readable code you would (hopefully) write yourself.

Jul 5, 2015

Ascent is an Android library that simplifies applying custom fonts to TextViews and sub-classes. Annotation processing is used to remove boilerplate from your code.

Jul 5, 2015

IntentBuilder is a type safe way of creating intents and populating them with extras. Intents were created to be very dynamic but often times the dynamic nature of intents is not needed and just gets in the way of writing safe code.

Jun 16, 2015

Android library that simplifies passing arguments between activities using generated classes aka Screens.

Jun 15, 2015

Mara is a library to provide traits or composition capabilities to your Android or Java projects.

Jun 8, 2015

Vinyl is an annotation processor that makes it simple to work with Cursors and ContentValues using your application's domain language.

May 5, 2015

Java annotation processor library used to dispatch and concatenate background tasks in a decoupled way through a simple syntax.

Apr 1, 2015

An Android annotation processing and code generation library to retain complex objects which cannot be parceled nor serialized into a Bundle across configuration changes.

Mar 29, 2015

Barber is your personal custom view stylist.

  • Simply annotate your fields using the @StyledAttr annotation
  • Call the appropriate variant
  • Let Barber take care of all the obtainStyledAttributes() and TypedArray boilerplate for you.
  • Profit
Mar 4, 2015

GoldenGate is an Android annotation processor for generating type safe javascript bindings (Bridges). The library is very similar in usage to something like Retrofit in that only an interface has to be declared and annotated (though retrofit does not do any compile time code generating). This annotated interface is at compile time used to generate an type safe wrapper around a webview for interfacing with the javascript.

Feb 19, 2015

Lightweight javac @Warning annotation.

Jan 12, 2015