Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A TextureView for Android that supports scaling and scrolling gestures. Repository contains samples for both MediaPlayer and ExoPlayer playback.

May 4, 2017

ExoPlayer's wrapper for using with TextureView.

Jun 28, 2016

A simple but powerful Tween / SpriteSheet / ParabolicMotion / animation library for Android TextureView and SurfaceView.

Feb 29, 2016

A library to display videos in a TextureView using a custom MediaPlayer controller.

Jun 13, 2015

A VideoView based on the official Android 4.4.2_r3 sources using a TextureView instead of a SurfaceView.

Mar 5, 2015

TextureVideoView is custom view based on android TextureView which gives you ability easily play and crop video. It's very similar to ImageView#setScaleType

Crop modes:

  • TOP
Sep 1, 2014