Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A gradle plugin that automatically adds clock tracking for your components and subcomponents.


DaggerTrack will tell you following type of time for each of your component and subcomponent injection:

  1. Total time: This is the total wall clock time took by the component or subcomponent injection.
  2. On CPU time: CPU time is the time the inject method took working on cpu.
  3. Off CPU time: Off CPU time is the time that inject method took when it was not running on the CPU which means it was doing some I/O work or maybe blocked on some other resource.
Jan 7, 2022

A simple and flexible analog clock view for Android written in Java.

Jan 24, 2019

A simple and easy to use stopwatch library for android. With TimeIt, you can create a stopwatch app with very few lines of code!


  • Easy to use stopwatch library
  • No need to use seperate threads. Multithreading is handled by the library itself
  • Supports pause/resume and split methods.
  • Supports an OnTickListener to listen for updates in clock.
  • Set the TextView directly with TimeIt (Automatically formats the time).
  • Set custom clock delay to update the time more or less frequently!
  • Much more to come!
Dec 12, 2018

This an android analog clock widget designed by material design guides.

Nov 11, 2018

A full options clock view. You are now able to create and design your own clock view with changing just attributes. Over 20 attributes are available.

Nov 10, 2018

A Simple, Customizable VectorAnalogClock View for Android.

  • Resizable.
  • Smooth movement.
  • Tested on various screen sizes and densities.
  • Supports Custom Vector Assets.
  • Supports back to API 14.
Jul 8, 2018

This is clock animated view.

Aug 28, 2017

Admobadapter is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate Admob native ads (both Express and Advanced) into ListView/RecyclerView in the way that is shown in the following image/animation.

May 6, 2017

DateTimeTemplate is date/time formatting library supporting formatting placeholders, i.e. Today is %DDD%, %k%:%ii% %a% once formatted would produce Today is Wednesday, 6:21a. Supports abbreviated day/month names, 12/24hrs clocks, leading-zero values and localization.

Mar 8, 2017

This is amazing android library to add tab-digits with an old -fashion transition as old clock does.

Dec 6, 2016

Easy-to-use animated clock icon.

Nov 17, 2016

SwitchDateTime Picker is a library for select a Date object in dialog with a DatePicker (Calendar) and a TimePicker (Clock) in the same UI.

Oct 13, 2016

A cool animated RecyclerView clock face scroller.

Sep 28, 2016

SNTP client for Android. Calculate the date and time "now" impervious to manual changes to device clock time.

Sep 19, 2016

An imitation of the clock in Google I/O 2016. Almost all of the animations and images in it are made by the SVG, so this library may be a wonderful material to learn the SVG's usage in Android.

Sep 17, 2016

Android animated clock Drawable.

Sep 2, 2016

Device Year Class is an Android library that implements a simple algorithm that maps a device's RAM, CPU cores, and clock speed to the year where those combination of specs were considered high end. This allows a developer to easily modify application behavior based on the capabilities of the phone's hardware.

Aug 5, 2015

Clockwise is a watch face framework for Android Wear developed by ustwo. It extends the Android Wear Watch Face API and provides base classes and helpers for quickly and correctly developing watch faces. This includes properly handling the various modes of operation, hardware constraints, changes in date/time/time zone, access to data, and performance considerations.

Mar 3, 2015

android-HoloCircularProgressBar is a Custom View implementation for Android you might know from the Android Clock App from Android 4.1

Feb 9, 2015

This is an open source library which uses the scroll bar library. Clock widget was added inside the scroll bar panel which gives a Path 2.0 like effect and can be customized according to your needs.

Oct 6, 2014