Rich feature Circular SeekBar (Circle, Semi-circle, and Ellipse) for Android.
This library is based on CircularSeekBar of Matt Joseph (devadvance). But the original author seems to have stopped maintaining (last commit was in 2016), so I decide to take it up by myself.
I made it build on Android Studio (Gradle), then fix & add more features to the library.
The features I add
- Support float progress, instead of integer only.
- Refactor the name of the attributes, to avoid conflicts.
- Disable the seek pointer, make it work like a circular progress bar.
- Some other bug fixes for Matt's CircularSeekBar.
- Customize the shape of progress end (butt, round, square)
- Use a arc to represent the pointer, you can custom the arc angle.
- Negative progress support.
- Other small features.
dependencies {
implementation 'me.tankery.lib:circularSeekBar:1.4.2'
Copy sources and attrs.xml
in module circularSeekBar
to your project.
Old style Java fan? Checkout version v1.3.2, which is the latest version that still using Java.
CircularSeekBar support following attributes:
app:cs_circle_style = "butt|round|square"
app:cs_progress = "integer"
app:cs_max = "integer"
app:cs_negative_enabled = "boolean"
app:cs_move_outside_circle = "boolean"
app:cs_maintain_equal_circle = "boolean"
app:cs_use_custom_radii = "boolean"
app:cs_lock_enabled = "boolean"
app:cs_circle_x_radius = "dimension"
app:cs_circle_y_radius = "dimension"
app:cs_circle_stroke_width = "dimension"
app:cs_disable_pointer = "boolean"
app:cs_pointer_stroke_width = "dimension"
app:cs_pointer_halo_width = "dimension"
app:cs_pointer_halo_border_width = "dimension"
app:cs_circle_fill = "color"
app:cs_circle_color = "color"
app:cs_circle_progress_color = "color"
app:cs_pointer_color = "color"
app:cs_pointer_halo_color = "color"
app:cs_pointer_halo_color_ontouch = "color"
app:cs_pointer_alpha_ontouch = "integer"
app:cs_pointer_angle = "float"
app:cs_start_angle = "float"
app:cs_end_angle = "float"
app:cs_disable_progress_glow = "boolean"
app:cs_hide_progress_when_empty = "boolean"
Apply custom Paint
val dashWidth = 16.0f
val dashGap = dashWidth / 2.0f
circularSeekBar?.applyCustomCirclePaint {
it.pathEffect = DashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(dashWidth, dashGap), 0.0f)
This library is based on CircularSeekBar of Matt Joseph (devadvance). But the original author seems to have stopped maintaining (last commit was in 2016), so I decide to take it up by myself. Thanks to Matt for the work!
This part provides general solution to any types of libraries:
- GitHub Actions: Quick Start, Workflow commands and Upload Release Asset repo are official documents I use to write the CI check and releasing workflows.
- Márton B.: Publishing Android libraries to MavenCentral in 2021: It is a great learning material for how to upload library to sonatype maven central. Also took the official doc as an reference: Maven Publish Plugin. For Android, the config can be a little different, could also checkout Android library distribution with maven-publish for a reference.
- Legacy: Another post (LINK) also could used as a reference.
- Official Maven Central document Gradle to learn how to publish artifacts.
- Signature: Maven Central requires signature for library to release. GPG and The Signing Plugin are two official document for how to sign the library, this will correct some error or outdated information in Márton's article.
- Also Timber of Jake Wharton is a great library to learn how to use a generic solution for public libraries. My mvn-push.gradle is actually forked from Timber repo, and it's really universal that could be used on many different types of libraries.