

v1.0 (May 30, 2017)
May 29, 2017
Jun 1, 2017 (Retired)
Rahul Chowdhury (rahulchowdhury)
Rahul Chowdhury (rahulchowdhury)
Source code


Mystique is a Kotlin library for Android’s RecyclerView which allows you to create homogeneous and heterogeneous lists effortlessly using an universal adapter. It’s RecyclerView.Adapter on steroids, written purely in Kotlin (oh yeah, with extension functions too).


You can download this library through jCenter by one of the following ways,


Add this line to your build.gradle file under the dependencies section along with any other library that you might use.

dependencies {
 compile 'co.upcurve.mystique:mystique:1.0'


If you prefer to use Maven, then add the following lines,



Using this library is fairly simple. You need to create a data class which will be the model for your row data, and a presenter or item which extends MystiqueItemPresenter

Creating the model class

The model class is a regular data class which holds all the data that needs to be displayed in a single row inside the list, with however one special addition.

You need to annotate the presenter that will be used with this model class for Mystique to correctly recognize the presenter for this model class and bind both of them without any effort from your side.


//Specify your presenter here in this format
data class NewsModel(var heading: String = "", 
       var desc: String = "",
       var content: String = "")

Please note, the model class needs to be data class for functions like removeItem() to work.

That’s it, nothing more is required to add to your data class.

Creating your presenter or item class

The presenter or the item class is the place where you specify which layout should be inflated for the model and how to load data into the inflated view from your model according to your business logic. You can also add your custom click listeners here to handle clicks on the row or individual items in the row.

Consider the following example class,


class NewsItem : MystiqueItemPresenter() {

    //Declare your NewsModel object
    lateinit private var newsModel: NewsModel

    //Binding all the views in the row using ButterKnife
    lateinit var newsHeading: TextView

     * This is where you need to populate your data from the model
     * to each element in the row according to your business logic
    override fun displayView(itemView: View) {
        ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView)

        newsHeading.text = newsModel.heading

     * Return your model here for Mystic to do proper mapping
     * while adding or deleting items from your list
    override fun getModel() = newsModel

     * Return the layout associated with the model for Mystic
     * to correctly inflate the proper views for each supplied
     * model
    override fun getLayout() = R.layout.view_item_news

     * This is where you initialize your model as supplied
     * by Mystique through this method call
    override fun loadModel(model: Any) {
        newsModel = model as NewsModel

     * If you need to handle clicks on your items or
     * items within your item, this is where you do it
     * by adding your own custom listener (see sample)
    override fun handleClickEvents(itemView: View) {


     * Initialize your custom listener in this function
     * call, which will be called my Mystique while loading
     * your data
    override fun setListener(listener: Any?) {


And, you’re all set!

Loading the models to the adapter

The next step is to load your models to the universal adapter, which is a breeze thanks to Mystique’s auto-binding of models to their respective presenters.

Once you have your data initialized in their appropriate model classes, declare a reference to your adapter and load the data in this fashion,

  * Initialize your adapter
val adapter = MystiqueAdapter<MystiqueItemPresenter>()

  * Set the models to the adapter for loading

Here, the extension function (since it’s Kotlin) converts a regular List<T> to a MutableList<MystiqueItemPresenter> by attaching all the appropriate models to their presenters behind the scenes for you.

Voila! That’s all. Did you expect more?

Other functions

Mystique also defines other functions such as,

Add an item

fun <T : MystiqueItemPresenter> MystiqueAdapter<T>.addItem(item: T?, index: Int = mystiqueItems.size)

Remove an item

Using an index,

fun <T : MystiqueItemPresenter> MystiqueAdapter<T>.removeItem(index: Int = mystiqueItems.size - 1)

Using a model,

fun <T : MystiqueItemPresenter> MystiqueAdapter<T>.removeItem(model: Any)

Add a list of items

fun <T : MystiqueItemPresenter> MystiqueAdapter<T>.addItems(items: List<T>, startPosition: Int = mystiqueItems.size)

Remove a list of items

fun <T : MystiqueItemPresenter> MystiqueAdapter<T>.removeItems(items: List<Any>)

Convert any object to a Mystified object


Sample app

Refer to this section in this repo for a sample app using the library,



I have made this library as easy as possible to use, but I might have missed out some cool stuff. If you have something that you would like to add, fork the library, make your changes and please send a pull request.

I would be happy to add your contribution to the library, if it improves the library.

Who made Mystique?

Well the name of the library might be Mystique, but certainly the author is not a mystery.

Rahul Chowdhury

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Copyright 2017 Rahul Chowdhury

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and