Gradle GitDroid (gradle-gitdroid)
This gradle plugin is designed for allowing Android dependencies using git. This allows you to use any Android library from a git repo based on commit or branch.
This project is still in development
What this plugin does
- Looks for dependencies that have a git extension
- Clone/pull from public or private repo
- Replace repo project library versions
- Compile git project
- Upload compiled git project and all it's dependencies to local maven repo
To use this plugin: ####1. Add to project Gradle version < 2.1 classpath group: 'com.testfunction', name: 'gradle-gitdroid', version: '0.0.3'
to your root build.gradle
file in the buildscript dependencies section.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath group: 'com.testfunction', name: 'gradle-gitdroid', version: '0.0.3'
In your module's build.gradle
file add apply plugin: 'gradle-gitdroid'
Gradle version >= 2.1 In your module's build.gradle
file add plugin:
plugins {
id "com.testfunction.gradle-gitdroid" version "0.0.3"
####2. Configure Gradle GitDroid in your module's build.gradle
file with the gitDroid
gitDroid {
workingDir = "C:/tmp/${}/gitDroid"
localRepo = getRepositories().mavenLocal().url
automaticResolve = false
If automaticResolve
is set to true
then every time the project is evaluated this plugin will look for git dependencies and if necessary compile them.
####3. Add a git extension to a dependency
compile (group: 'com.testfunction',
ext: 'aar',
transitive: true
).ext {
git = [
repo : '',
remoteModule: 'lumberjill'
Gradle GitDroid properties
#####Valid gitDroid properties:
Property | Expects | Default | Description |
automaticResolve | boolean | false | Should Gradle GitDroid automatically handle git dependencies |
buildModule | boolean | true | Should run build commands against the supplied module or against base project |
deleteSourceOnGitFailure | boolean | true | If git command fails delete the current git source |
localRepo | URI | repositories.mavenLocal().url | Location to upload to. Should be included in dependency repositories |
replaceValues | Map<String, ArrayList> | null | Search and replace strings in git dependency build.gradle file |
replaceValuesRegex | Map<String, String> | null | Search and replace all matching strings in git dependency build.gradle file |
test | test closure | See gitDroid.test | |
workingDir | Directory | rootProject + "git-tmp" | The directory to clone/pull contents into to work with |
#####Valid gitDroid.test properties: (Most do not need to be messed with)
Property | Expects | Default | Description |
filterConfig | boolean | true | Filter dependencies based on config state |
filterDependenciesByExternalModule | boolean | true | Filter dependencies restrict to ExternalModuleDependency |
forceRunInit | boolean | false | Force init to run every time. (Slow) |
pathLengthDieOnFailure | boolean | true | On Windows machines die out if potential file path length would be too long |
regexp | regexp closure | See gitDroid.test.regexp | |
useLifecycle | boolean | false | Log archive task to lifecycle instead of debug |
#####Valid gitDroid.test.regexp properties:
Property | Expects | Default | Description |
flags | String | "g" | g global, i case insensitive, m multiline, s singleline |
byLine | boolean | false | Search one line at a time |
encoding | String | "UTF-8" | Encoding to use for search / replace |
#####Full Gradle GitDroid DSL:
gitDroid {
automaticResolve = false
buildModule = true
deleteSourceOnGitFailure = true
localRepo = repositories.mavenLocal().url
//optional replace all android build tools alpha1 with alpha3
replaceValues = [ "" : [
//optional replace all android build tool versions with alpha3
replaceValuesRegex = [ "" :
test {
filterConfig = true
filterDependenciesByExternalModule = true
forceRunInit = false
pathLengthDieOnFailure = true
regexp {
flags = "g"
byLine = false
encoding = "UTF-8"
useLifecycle = false
workingDir = "C:/tmp/${}/gitDroid"
Declaring dependencies
Declare dependencies and attach git extension. It is recommended to include aar extension and setting transitive to true
compile (group: 'com.testfunction',
ext: 'aar',
transitive: true
).ext {
git = [
repo : '',
keepUpdated : true,
remoteModule: 'lumberjill',
keepSource : true
compile ('com.testfunction:lumberjill:HEAD@aar') {
transitive = true
}.ext {
git = [
repo : '',
keepUpdated : true,
remoteModule: 'lumberjill',
keepSource : true
Dependency version number can be anything
Git properties
Bold entries are required
Property | Expects | Default | Description |
buildJavaDocs | boolean | true | Include javadoc in local repo |
buildSource | boolean | true | Include code source in local repo |
credentials | Map | sshKey or username and password | |
forceBuild | boolean | false | Used internally to force a build of the dependency |
keepSource | boolean | false | Keep the cloned source code after completion |
keepUpdated | boolean | false | This dependency should regularly check for newer versions |
ref | String | Commit, Tag, or Branch reference desired | |
refType | Enum | Automatic | Can be Automatic, Branch, Commit, or Tag |
remoteModule | String | The module desired in the project | |
remoteModules | ArrayList | null | Multiple desired modules from the project |
repo | String | The repository to clone/pull from | |
uploadDependencies | boolean | true | Upload a copy of all of the git project dependencies |
Gradle GitDroid dependency git DSL:
git = [
buildJavaDocs : true,
buildSource : true,
credentials : [ sshKey:'path/to/ssh/key', username:passedUserName, password:passedPassword ],
forceBuild : false,
keepSource : false,
keepUpdated : false,
ref : 'ab0886261d09c867c012647fbccb9342082c7880', //branch, commit, or tag
refType : 'Automatic',
remoteModule : 'lumberjill', //the directory name of the module desired
remoteModules : ['module1', 'module2'],
repo : '', //the url of the repo
uploadDependencies : true //also upload a copy of dependencies to the gitDroid.localRepo
Basic Example
rootProject build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
buildDir = "C:/tmp/${}/${}" //short buildDir to avoid Windows path limit
repositories {
maven {
url mavenLocal().url
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete rootProject.buildDir
module build.gradle
plugins {
id "com.testfunction.gradle-gitdroid" version "0.0.3"
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.testfunction.testgradleplugin"
minSdkVersion 16
targetSdkVersion 23
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
generatedDensities = []
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile ''
compile (group: 'com.testfunction',
ext: 'aar',
transitive: true
).ext {
git = [
repo : '',
buildJavaDocs : true,
keepUpdated : true,
remoteModule: 'lumberjill',
keepSource : true
compile ('com.github.michaldrabik:tapbarmenu:gitDroid@aar') {
transitive = true
}.ext {
git = [
repo : '',
ref : 'd17b48f167f3d121c00dfb5ad7fd7f39b8fc18d2',
remoteModule: 'library',
keepSource: true
compile ("com.github.DeveloperPaul123:FilePickerLibrary:gitDroid@aar") {
transitive = true
}.ext {
git = [
repo: '',
ref : '02782b398c6ab590947a3beba6a0d2545c4caf4d',
remoteModule: 'FPlib',
keepSource: true
gitDroid {
workingDir = "C:/tmp/${}/gitDroid"
localRepo = getRepositories().mavenLocal().url
automaticResolve = false
test {
pathLengthDieOnFailure = false
replaceValuesRegex = [
"" :
If you are working in Windows you should set a short workingDir path to help avoid reaching the Windows path limit.