Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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This project shows several animations:

  • Stepper animation - Card that will flip right or left depending on where you tap
  • Heart animation - Heart jumping animation with shadow
  • Progress animation - Standard progress animations with 3 dots
  • Wave animation - Recording button with infinite waves
Jan 26, 2022

Manage passwords like a pro with industry level features.

Jan 23, 2022

A pagination that you can define button, spacer and button number. Always show the first and the last position button.

Jan 23, 2022

A simple Android template that lets you create an Android project quickly.

  • 100% Kotlin-only template
  • Following Clean Architecture approach
  • Following MVVM Architectural Design Pattern
  • Hilt - Dependency Injection framework
  • Transition - Animation
  • Paging V3 - Pagination
  • View Binding - View Binding
  • OkHttp3 - Network interceptor
  • Retrofit - HTTP client
  • Glide - Loading images
  • Gson - JSON library
  • Material Components - Material Design
  • Lottie - Vector animation library
  • Kotlin DSL - Alternative syntax to the Groovy DSL
  • Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin
  • Gradle Doctor - Gradle build scan plugin
  • Navigation - Navigate through the app
  • LeakCanary - Memory leak detection
  • Chucker - An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP
  • StrictMode - A developer tool which detects things you might be doing by accident
  • Dark/Light Theme - Support dark/light themes
Jan 21, 2022

A simple example of Jetpack compose animations.

Jan 17, 2022

SSComposeCookBook - A Collection of major Jetpack compose UI components which are commonly used.

Jan 10, 2022

This applications is sample for Biometrics Authentication in Android using Biometrics API.


  • Fingerprint Authentication
  • Face Authentication
  • PIN/Password/Pattern Authentication
Jan 9, 2022

An offline first application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture, representing a minimalistic implementation of Top Stories API. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation-Compose, Coil-Accompanist, koin etc.

Jan 9, 2022

GooglePlacesAutoComplete is a small Kotlin demo for auto search in google map.


  • CITIES 🌆
  • REGIONS 🇮🇳
Jan 7, 2022

LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your app with no ads!

Jan 5, 2022

A minimal notes application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation-Compose, Coil, koin etc.

Jan 4, 2022

It is an Android Vertical Seekbar with segments developed in Kotlin. It offers multiple customization attributes to create a Slider/Seekbar based on your requirements.

Jan 2, 2022

A Clean Architecture App to show use of multi-module-architecture in a Jetpack Compose.

Jan 1, 2022

An example concept of MVVM and Kotlin. Display, Filter & Sort the given restaurants from assets with Jetpack Compose and AAC.

Jan 1, 2022

Demo Application to understand the architecture of MVVM App with Unit tests.

Jul 1, 2021

This repository contains a detailed sample app for displaying stories. This is not a library, just sample implementation. The main aim of this app is to be an example of how to build a Story Viewer like Instagram.

Jan 17, 2021

Fast and simple application for generating and comparison hashes from files or text.

Sep 3, 2020

Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api.

Jun 11, 2020

This app will help developers to convert strings from application in one platform to another.


  • Show parsed strings in user friendly interface
  • Work with multiple formats:
    1. Android strings.xml
    2. Apple Localizable.strings
    3. CSV
Apr 30, 2020

Corona Tracker is an Android application which shows worldwide data of confirmed cases, recovered cases and death cases. You can also get country-wise data. The data is provided by astsiatsko.

Corona Tracker is written in Kotlin and makes use of KTX, Coroutines, Dagger2, Retrofit and MVVM.

Mar 28, 2020

This example developed to help developer to understand Instagram login xml with keyboard soft implementation.

Mar 23, 2020

A sample app demonstrating a quick workaround to using PahoMQTT in Android Oreo+ using foreground notification.

Feb 16, 2020

Dark Theme is an experimental project, with the aim of showing the combination of colours from light to dark theme.

There's a colour picker to apply a theme colour in the entire app as a Dark/Light button to recreate the app with both theme modes.

Jan 7, 2020

A demo project based on Kotlin, MVVM architecture, coroutines, dagger, koin, and material designs & animations.

Dec 9, 2019

This is an experimental project about Android NFC functionality.

The whole idea is based on using android device as a Host Card Emulation, however we cannot simply send a byte array by realising communication enter iOS and Android because of iOS can only accept NDEF Message. So I'm enlightened by reading NFCForum-TS-Type-4-Tag which simulate the whole process command talking cross devices.

Dec 5, 2019

An open source app locker, vault, call blocker application.

Dec 1, 2019

Demo application with statistics of some cryptocurrencies from CoinMarketCap API.

Nov 24, 2019

Android Home Control Client.

Nov 12, 2019

A demo app for demonstration a way of backup user data.

Nov 10, 2019

The application for showing data of USGS Eathquake API on the Google Map.

Oct 9, 2019