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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

AndroidQuery is an Android SQLite and ContentProvider ORM powered by an annotation preprocessor. It focus on easy of use without sacrificing performances.

Built-in support for:

  • RxJava2 / Android loaders
  • custom migration
  • custom type converters
  • joins
  • default models for Android ContentProviders (like Contacts, BlockedNumbers, ...)
Dec 4, 2016

Chateau is a framework for adding (or improving) chat functionality in any Android app. Built in a modular way using MVP and Clean Architecture, it can easily be integrated with your chat backend with only minor changes to the included UI.

Aug 11, 2016

A custom Android's View implementing all the necessary UI for a typical "enter SMS code" flow.

Nov 13, 2020