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This library can help developers save at-least 16 hours of work in migrating from the default Google Places Autocomplete feature which will be completely removed in future. Developers can migrate to this library as it uses the latest Places API.

May 12, 2019

A simple library that can connect your autocomplete edittext to Google's places api.

Mar 2, 2019

A library to implement PlaceAutocomplete in Android with custom view.

Sep 9, 2018

Android EditText for searching and mentioning user from a source.

Jan 21, 2018

Android SearchView that features autocompletion and material design.

Jan 13, 2018

A RxJava library to fetch search suggestions backed by Google Suggest.

Aug 28, 2017

Autocomplete adds simple yet powerful autocomplete behavior to EditTexts, to avoid working with the infamous MultiAutoCompleteTextView APIs.


  • Define a AutocompletePolicy to listen to text events
  • Popup is automatically shown
  • Query text passed to AutocompletePresenter
  • List shown in a recycler view
  • Built in support for @usernames, #hashtags and similar
Aug 20, 2017

Android AutocompleteTextView that receives and displays address suggestions from Smarty Streets.

Feb 22, 2017

EditTextView suggests and fills up email domains.

Dec 23, 2016

This library provides a simple and customizable away to setup @ mentions on any EditText. Here's all it takes to get started.

Dec 19, 2016

AutoCompleteTextView for android with KMP algorithm.

Aug 27, 2016

ChipLayout is an layout that allows to create chips from text you typed with possibility to show drop down.

Jul 18, 2016

Chips in your AutoCompleteTextView on Android.

Feb 5, 2016

AutoCompleteEditTextWithContact that shows suggestions automatically while the user is entering characters. The list of suggestions is displayed from which the user can choose an item.

Dec 1, 2015

An AutocompleteTextView that interacts with the Google Maps Places API to provide location results and caches selected results in a history file for later use,

Nov 13, 2015

An AutoCompleteTextView with built-in Adapter with the emails in the device.

Nov 7, 2015

Autocomplete EditText for cities, using Google Places.

Jul 28, 2015

ContactAutoCompleteTextView is a view which allows the user to search across all his contacts to get email or phone number.

May 17, 2015

AutoCompleteBubbleText allows you to add and remove items from an EditText using a drawable as a background.

The benefit of AutoCompleteBubbleText is that you can position the ListView anywhere in the layout instead of just under the EditText. You can also use the autocomplete filtering function of the EditText to filter items in the list.

Feb 9, 2015

Just a simple implementation for use of auto complete text view with device account suggestion.

Dec 16, 2014

In social app, you often @somebody for something. This project gives you a more visual way to @somebody and showing the message.

This project is modified from TokenAutoComplete and is compatible with it.

Sep 26, 2014

TokenAutoComplete is a Android Gmail style token auto-complete text field and filter. It's designed to have an extremely simple API to make it easy for anyone to implement this functionality while still exposing enough customization to let you make it awesome.

Sep 2, 2014